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Age-Appropriate Chores

Recently we’ve had a few parents ask us about age appropriate chores that children can do. At Star Montessori we let our students pick up their plate after lunch and clean up their toys after they are done playing. We did some research on what other things you can do at home to continue developing their responsibility and awareness.

Age 2-3

  • Children can begin to pick up toys and books; don’t expect them to put them all back in the exact area they took them from

  • Put laundry in hamper. This is easy to do as usually a hamper is big enough for them to throw dirty clothes into.

  • Throw thrash away. Just like the above example there should not be an issue. Make sure you do not give them anything fragile. They will mess up and make mistakes every now and then but don’t get discouraged that is part of the learning process!

  • Help feed pets. They may make a slight mess when doing so but typically they will enjoy doing this.

Age 4-5

  • Clear and set the table. Make sure they start with plasticware, you do not want to make your job harder by having to clean up broken glass.

  • Match socks and fold. This should be fun and easy to do and is quite straightforward.

  • Put away laundry. You may have to fold the clothes for them but that does not mean you have to put it up for them!

We hope the above list was helpful. If you want to see any older age groups comment and let us know and we can put one together for our next blog! Let us know how the chores work for your kids.

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